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Infant Massage WINC
Continuing Education for Health Professionals
newborn & infant massage + environment-touch-communication
NICU Announcement
To register for CIMI Level 2: call 805-223-3588
To register for NICU Class: call 443-690-5608 or email kdmRN@verizon.net
Please Note: CIMI-3 NICU certification does NOT certify you to do hands-on massage. The class is designed for the NICU professional but is open for attendance to anyone that wishes to attend for educational purposes.
In 2005 we rebranded our organization and adopted the 'doing business as', d/b/a, Infant Massage WINC™ keeping all original rights to IAIM®, and became the World Institute for Nurturing Communication to more appropriately define our mission to develop "classessupporting new science and research beyond just touch so that we can better assist infant, child, and family development.
With knowledge came the responsibility to raise the bar on our beloved internationally acclaimed infant massage class that we have taught since the 1970s. The science and research of Bruce Lipton, PhD, author of The Biology of Belief provided the knowledge that we needed to raise the bar. After careful study of his research we realized that infant development is not one-dimensional "touch". It is multi-dimensional based on a safe, positive, creative environment coupled with nurturing touch, and compassionate communication which developed into our TRIAD Model, endorsed by Lipton.
The first new curriculum was our CIMI LEVEL 2 promoting the TRIAD Model, teaching the multi-components for healthy infant, child, and family development while encouraging the bonding process to endure a lifetime. This class renewed the faith and passion for teaching this work, always feeling that there should be more. The class has received excellent reviews, and has reaffirmed the passion of the students attending, as well. A pediatrician, Dr. Priyanka Arora, that attended the class in May gave Andrea's delivery of the CIMI Level 2 class 100% "excellent" evaluations. Priyanka said the class summarized and organized what she knew to be true into a fashion that she can use for her parent education classes. She loved the teaching tools provided such as visually pleasing Powerpoints and handouts. Priyanka hesistated to take the online class and, as you read above, found it to be intimate and an excellent forum for learning in the style of Andrea's very personal and precise delivery of the class. Students have said Andrea's passion for this class is contagious. We have local in-person classes and an online corporate class, for information please call 805-223-3588.
We proudly announce our newest curriculum focused on babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU.
Kadi Martin, a NICU nurse with over two decades of experience and extensive knowledge knew that the NICU environment needed to be improved. Therefore, she established a new curriculum, the WINC B.E.S.T. NICU™ class, CIMI Level 3, to encourage the much needed improvement for the NICU environment so that babies have the good, better, B.E.S.T. possible outcome to thrive and not just survive.
Raise your consciousness for the needs of the babies whose lives are at risk! This is a "must-take" class.
The first NICU class was held with great success.
The next scheduled NICU class is On our class list. Everyone may attend, it is an ONLINE class.
Prerequisite for NICU: CIMI Level 2
To register for CIMI Level 2 call Andrea 805-223-3588
To register for NICU class call Kadi 443-690-5608 or email kdmRN@verizon.net
Thank you Kadi for sharing your knowledge and deep love for all parents and their babies that experience the NICU, looking forward to your class.
Heartfelt appreciation,
Andrea Kelly
Master Trainer
Infant Massage WINC
The WINC B.E.S.T. practice for babies at risk!


The NICU is often a toxic environment that can be greatly improved resonating a better condition for long-term infant outcomes.  It is an environment of great vulnerability and great opportunity to redirect how we as CIMIs care for babies in the NICU. B.E.S.T. is defined as Better outcomes with Environmental adaptations, Social family support, and Transition to the home environment are the points we want to consider when empowering families in the NICU.


Committed to the Triad Model approach and evidence based care, we review the current trends in environmental science, behavioral cues of NICU babies, touch adaptations, premature skin all the while supporting the family through this process.


In the WINC B.E.S.T. NICU program we will take a closer look at the nature of the NICU environment and how we can remedy it's toxic insults through the use of containment holds and comforting touch.


Despite research and science, supporting infant massage it is only practiced in 38% of NICUs (Tiffany Field, et al 2010). Special circumstances require individualized approaches to touch and communication in the NICU.  The WINC B.E.S.T. program will encourage good, better, B.E.S.T. maximized outcomes for babies in the NICU and upon transition to their family home.


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New classes available throughout the United States and Internationally, 805-223-3588. 

No refunds including renewals, teaching tools, or classes - student may reschedule for another class.

Infant Massage WINC
World Institute for Nurturing Communication
                 d/b/a for International Association of Infant Massage, IAIM®              
IAIM®, IAIMI®, and CIMI® are registered trademarks of International Association of Infant Massage.
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