Online, LIVE and interactive
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Infant Massage WINC is internationally acclaimed and acknowledged as
the world premiere conscious parenting class for Newborn/Infant Massage.
The Infant Massage WINC CIMI Level 2 Class is 80% new science and research replacing the original CIMI Level 1 Class that we taught as the International Association of Infant Massage, IAIM®. Infant Massage WINC is the dba for IAIM® and we still own the legal rights to the IAIM® name and intellectual properties. We are a 501(c)(3) since 1986.
CIMI Level 2 Class
Certifying Newborn and Infant Massage
The TRIAD Family Model™
author, Andrea Kelly, Director/Founder/Master Trainer
The multi-components of bonding. Online live & interactive
The most comprehensive program for conscious parenting in the "World Community" today.
New evidence-based science and research, i.e. by the world renowned Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Dr. Tiffany Field, and other scientists. Dr. Lipton endorsed our TRIAD Family Model based on his research of epigenetics.
Beyond just infant massage, The TRIAD Family Model represents ...
The 'multi-components' for parent/child bonding which are:
Environment - safe, positive, creative Touch - nurturing Communication - compassionate
PRESS RELEASE ... legal win for ownership of IAIM® dba Infant Massage WINC
The International Association of Infant Massage (currently using the dba Infant Massage WINC) born in the United States of America Wins Legal Challenge Before the United States Patent and Trademark Office against Infant Massage USA and International Association Infant Massage/SWEDEN before the United States and Patent Trademark Office.
Parenting is a lifestyle ... The TRIAD Family Model™ is the catalyst for conscious parenting.
It is the multi-components for healthy infant, child, and family development based on environment, safe, positive, creative, coupled with nurturing touch and compassionate communication. We certify both newborn and infant massage, 20 CEH.

We represent a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors reflecting
all the children of the world community™
"Beyond Infant Massage, with knowledge comes the responsibility to raise the bar and teach more." A.M. Kelly
After studying Bruce Lipton, PhD, author of The Biology of Belief, the new science of epigenetics, the continuum of DNA development after birth through conscious parenting, Andrea Kelly, Director of Infant Massage WINC, upgraded our curriculum 80% new evidenced based science presenting CIMI Level-2 (replacing the original CIMI Level 1) the TRIAD Family Model™, the multi-components for healthy infant, child, and family development based on environment, touch, and communication. The TRIAD Family Model™ was endorsed by Dr. Lipton.

Susan Campbell Dr. Bruce Lipton Andrea Kelly
Words of wisdom from Dr. Bruce Lipton ... "The power and promise of the work of Infant Massage WINC™ will enable us to advance human civilization, one child at a time."
View the TRIAD Family Model
Our "New" CIMI® Level-2 class certifies both newborn (first six weeks) and infant massage supporting the transitioning family all the way through to Senior and Hospice Care, the TRIAD Family Model applies to all of the stages of life.
Online CIMI Level 2 class gets rave reviews!
*****CLICK HERE for Class Calendar*****
for custom dates or more information call 805-223-3588
What is Infant Massage?
Infant massage is one of the three components of attachment and bonding, a step beyond cuddling and touch is necessary to provide a continued attachment between parent and infant after birth. It also supports physical and emotional growth. It can provide the infant relief from daily stress or discomfort. It provides the parent and baby a form of loving communication. (Read more ...)
Parent Information: Infant Massage WINC™ trains and certifies Certified Infant Massage Instructors, CIMI® who in turn teach parents and caregivers to massage their babies. PARENTS: CLICK ON OUR SIDEBAR LINK "Parent/Baby Classes" to find a class near you.
Become a ...
Certified International Instructor Trainer, CIIT
Teach and certify health professionals to instruct parent education.
The TRIAD Family Model™ the multi-components for Conscious Parenting, author Andrea Kelly.
The children are our richest resource and the future guardians of this planet. Teach them to live within their homes and society the principles of the TRIAD Family Model™ which promotes that conscious parents must provide a safe, positive, and creative environment that is coupled with nurturing touch and compassionate communication.
Call Master Trainer and Director Andrea Kelly, 805-223-3588 to personalize your dates for training.

Continuing Education for Professionals (click here for details)
Certified Infant Massage Instructor, CIMI® Level 2, teach parents
Certified International Instructor Trainer, CIIT™, certify CIMIs
